standalone .exe


I wrote some code to open an image, view it in windows in grayscale and save the outer image. I used Visual C++ 2010 Express and OpenCV. I added OpenCV's libs, include and source to "Directories" in projects properties. Added Command Argument in properties->debugging. It works OK,

I got .exe. But .exe doesn't find an image if I dont do this trick. I run "RUN" (xD) and I write there "...\project1.exe ...\<command argument's name>.jpg" (the ...\ is the path to it's folder). It works when I do it like that, but I need to make it work without all the "RUN" thing.

Also I need to get all the .libs, .dlls and .h needed for the exe, so I can run it on other PCs (I believe that this is called "standalone", but if not, sorry for the title). As you can see, Im 100% beginner, and seriously need help ASAP.
I ran into a problem like this myself when I started writing with an MS product almost 10 years ago, the problem is in the EULA.
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can you explain, please? Which one of the problems? :P
A lot of the specific Libs, DLL's ect. used by MS products for the purpose of compiling your code with their products are propriatary and NOT open source or approved for public distribution. Even if I told you how to do this you could get in trouble for doing so. The good news is you can probably port your code to another compiler without a lot of hassle.
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