Manipulate variables of a game

Well, I know, it's a complex subject but I want to help my son a bit with a game he likes. He can't get past a certain level and I was wondering:

Could anybody point me to some tutorials where I could learn to manipulate variables of a running game without tempering with the exe of said game?

int main
That's quite easy. You just need a logic compensator (often used in Star Trek), an before you know it, the odds for wining any game are way better. Highly recmmended before going into a casino.
Seriously, that would be illegal (you use windows and probrietary software, tempering with it (be in in the exe or the ram) is not allowed by most licenses. (So, you better get an os and software which is free&open source).
However, if you want to do it nonetheles (what a bad example of parenting - helping your children to cheat, I always figured that's something they learn fast enough on their own), you want to use a ram editor. Then you have to determine the layout of the game variables in the ram (what would be a lot easier if you had the source code...). Then you edit. Did I mention that it is not easy to determine the actual meaning of the ram-content? Well, it is not. So if you don't have it for a given game, see you in some years... (the approach is to make a snapshot, try change the value you look for in the game, make another snapshot and so on, then you look which value is different in all the snapshots - that's the position of your variable). Good luck, you will need it (except, of course, you have one of these logic compensators in your basement).
Well, thanks.
I probably ask Data or LaForge (don't know how to spell the first name).

I think, you just killed my enthusiasm.
And by the way, I think its valueable for children to learn that with knowledge, you can improve your odds and physical strength does not count that much in modern society any more. I guess it's the modern equivelant to "The Pencil is stronger than the sword".

We live in an imperfect little world and if it shows my son that knowing a lot of stuff will help (even if its just a game), then, well, I admit, I fancy the idea of coding my own cheat.
But after yor post it looks too difficult because the game is using tons of objects that move around a lot so it will be virtually impossible to determine any key values.

But thanks nonetheless.

int main
There is Cheat-Engine if you want to see how you can do it.
It is an opens source program that does exactly what exception sayed. It search for the memory for specific variables, changes or almost anything a game can use.

You can find it here if you want:

At the downloads section it has the source code also, but as it says a big part is in Delphi...
That sounds really complicated. Sorry I don't have anything to add to your question.

Ya know there are strategy guides and stuff online (I've found the $15 dollar ones you buy actually suck). has some good ones.
Wait. EULAs also cover RAM manipulation? The bastards! The memory is mine. Why can't I mess around with it?
Would you mind quoting an EULA for me?
"THIS SOFTWARE AND ALL ITS COMPONENTS" (damn, I shouldn't have replaced capslock...)
Supose you could find two possible interpretations on whether or not the ram-image falls under that term. Supose now, that one of the interpretations will result in a certain... benefit for the interpreting judge.
Question: now which interpretation could that be?
(Well, perhaps the judges are not the ones really responsible. But in my country, copying music CDs is not allowed if they have a "technically effective" copy protection. And having to click on "Rip to Disc" seems to count as "technically effective". How the hack am I suposed to copy such a disk anyways? If the copy protection is effective, I can't, so why the law? And why this fu***ed-up interpretation?)
That seems like a rather stupid interpretation. So if I want to hammer my memory to pieces while the program is running, I can't because I would be altering the code loaded in memory?
I can be sued if one of my programs decides to go around writing random sections of memory due to a bug?
It's pretty obvious (at least to anyone with half common sense) that user-space data doesn't count as a software component.
Anyway, who the hell cares? It's not like anyone could prove RAM manipulation. They don't call it volatile memory for nothing.
Remember the case when the RIAA sued an old lady for downloading music? She didn't even have an internet connection. But her lawyer told her to pay the settlement, what she finally did, 'cause you don't want to do anything with the RIAA. (I don't know whether or not this story is true, fact is, I can well imagine it is. Another fact is that I wanted to buy (what is the proper word here?) a legal costs insurance for copyright law. There isn't one in my country. "It is too risky for the insurance company", I was told).
We also have a saying which translates as something like: "Where there is no prosecutor, there is no judge". So, if you do it at your home, noone will notice and you won't be sued. But what about writing an tutorial on how to do it? I wouldn't be *so* sure that nobody has a problem with that.
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