XP Performance Issue with System()

closed account (Gy7oizwU)
Hi all

I have a windows form and in this form i use the system command to open a C$ connection to a remote machine. When i click a button, I first run a NET USE command to create a connection to the machine and then i use a START command to actually open the C$ window. On windows 7, the C$ window opens in less than a second, however, on widows XP, it gets stuck on the START command for a few seconds. Any ideas as to what might be cusing the issue? Or should i rather use another method to open the C$ window as opposed to SYSTEM("START.....")?

Thanks in advance
Do you NEED a command prompt on the other computer? Are you trying to execute processes remotley? Depending on what your objective is there are a number of ways to go about this.
closed account (Gy7oizwU)
I dont need a command prompt, i just thought it was the quickest way to open a window. All the code does is open a window. eg SYSTEM("START \\remoteMachine\c$")
closed account (Gy7oizwU)
No one has any ideas?
Does it go any quicker when you run the command from a cmd shell?
closed account (Gy7oizwU)
Sorry for the late reply, been super busy.

It goes much quicker when run through the cmd shell on XP.
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