release build problem

when i build my program in release mode and try to run it on a computer without visual c++ it requires dll's it does not need to run (msvcr100.dll). How to fix this? thx
There is an option to include system libraries in the build (in MSV6).
thx for answer, but i can't find it in visual c++ 2010. Does someone know where could it be there?
Have you tried just copy\pasting the DLL's into system32 of the system that is throwing the error?
You can just use Code::Blocks. I had that problem and I just got CB and everything worked fine. CB has has pretty cool features ;)
Yes, tried to put the dll's into system directories, no help. I guess CB would work too, but i found out that i only need to install microsoft visual c++ redistributable package and all works. I guess that would have installed if i would have made self extractor after release build. So i guess there's no other way around these dll's if you're building in vc++ .
you can statically link the runtime lib.

Go to your project's property page. I think in the C++ section, there's a "Code Generation" page. An option on that page says something like "Multithreaded DLL". Change that to "Multithreaded" (no DLL) and then rebuild.
The thing is that i need miltithreaded dll in my project, but i didn't knew that could be the case, thx anyway.
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