Use IDL in C++ CLI/CLR (.NET)


I've a project in C++ working fine (ie, a library for outputting realtime images to decklink).
Until now, I've always worked in native C++. To use the decklink library, it comes with an IDL that I compile to H/C and include them into my project. All ok

Now I've a costumer that wants me to do this library in .NET, so I added some flares to the code and exported some classes to .NET (using /CLR compiler option), but now when I compile it gives some linker errors (those regarding to the IDL file, it is, decklink library).

Is there any way I can still use this IDL file in my new .NET project? or is it better to compile a standalone, non CLR library for this code part? or it will still give linker errors, as the main library will be a .NET CLR DLL?

(googled for it already with no result, asked lots of friends, none seems to know the answer, this C++ CLI/CLR mixing seems is not much common)

Thanks in advance
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