double pointers

I am trying to understand pointers, so I want to convert a char str[100][100] to char **p

I tried something like this:
char *p2;
p2 = &str;
p = &p2;

but didn't work.

Any ideeas? Thx
try p = str
N-Dimensional arrays are like N-Dimensional pointers to the first element
no, same error: cannot convert from 'char [100][100]' to 'char **'
what is your compiler?
There is only one direct/ implicit (does not need a cast) pointer assignment for that array:
char str[100][100];
char (*pCharArray)[100] =  str;

Now you have a pointer to char[100] - which can be safely treated as a char* - if you take the adress of this pointer then you will have a char** - but you will need a cast of one sort or the other.
char str[100][100];
char (*pCharArray)[100] =  str;
char **ppChar1 =  (char**)& pCharArray; //C-style cast
char **ppChar2 = reinterpret_cast<char**>(&pCharArray); //C++ stylee 

The question of course why you need to do something like this???
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Thanks, the last post really helped me!
hello adrian89,

cannot convert from 'char [100][100]' to 'char **'
Like it says: Don't do it because they're different types.

they might look alike but are handled completely different internally.
+1 to coder777

if you have str[100][100] you cannot convert it to a char** (at least not in the way you're looking for). It simply is not possible. Any kind of forcible cast will fail horribly.

Here is some further reading:

Of course, you probably shouldn't be using char arrays anyway. If you have an array of strings instead of an array of char arrays, this is a nonissue.
my cast is perfectly legal
guestgulkan wrote:
my cast is perfectly legal

well then
void main()
  char str[100][100];
  char (*pCharArray)[100] =  str;
  char **ppChar1 =  (char**)& pCharArray; //C-style cast

  ppChar1[1][1] = '1';
try this and see what happens it will crash
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ppChar1[1][1] = '1';
of course it will crash.

ppChar1[x][1] where x is greater than 0 is an array out of bounds access;

You need to review your arrays and pointer stuff.

(p.s I'm not trying to have a go at you in any way)
Disch wrote:
if you have str[100][100] you cannot convert it to a char** (at least not in the way you're looking for)

Of course you can find a way to cast it to char**, but it will be useless. He's looking to have a char** that he can treat as a 2D array which, in this case, is impossible to do with casting alone.


Also your cast is more complicated and funky than the below, which is exactly the same but requires no casting:

char str[100][100];
char* badidea = &str[0][0];
char** ptr = &badidea;
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