c++ compiler

please i need a C++ compiler software
Google is your friend.

I personally use the one integrated into the Microsoft Visual C++ IDE. The best compiler, however, has to be Intel C++ Compiler, because of its near-full support for language standards.
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intell c++ compiler is not free
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
For Linux non-Windows it is.
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Bloodshed's Dev-CPP is my choice. free, light, and easy to use :)
The string Dev-* should be censored. Dev-C++ is ancient, and I strongly disrecommend it's use. Try following Bazzy's link. :P

EDIT: The * was a multi-character wild-card, by the way.

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A lot of people like Dev-*, and it still works if you update the GCC it uses. /end devil's advocate
(Personally, I don't like it.)

I recommend something like Code::Blocks though.
If you use MS visual studio I think you should have an included compiler ( i think its the portland one)

Intel has two C++ compilers for windows

Composer (part of the Parallel studio product)
Requires MS Visual Studio 2005 upwards

C++ Compiler Pro
Will work stand alone or intergrate with MS visual studio IDE

Both come with Intel's libraries

Intel compilers are not free but have a range of licensing options depending on what you are doing

I can get extended full feature eval licences if you want to try it, (if this breaks the forum rules please tell me and i will remove this bit)
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Bloodshed isn't a compiler.

There is a child of Dev-C++ called wxDev-C++ which, even though is mainly advertised as a RAD tool, is a formidable IDE. Both are built to use gcc, the GNU C compiler or g++, the GNU C++ compiler.
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I've found Eclipse to be a good IDE.
Something I wrote recently:

About compilers: keep in mind that an IDE and a compiler are two different things. Often enough they are bundled together. A lot of people like the Dev-C++ IDE because it is a simple and friendly beginner environment. However, it comes bundled with a very old version of the GCC (Gnu Compiler Collection) which barely supports ISO standards. You can upgrade the GCC of course:

However, you would do well to start out with something better. Suggestions:

Get the one that comes with the GCC (if you are using Windows it is called "MinGW").

Turbo C++ Explorer
This is the Borland/Inprise/Codegear sold to Embarcadero version. It is a pretty solid compiler+IDE and uses the Dinkumware STL.
Windows only.

Microsoft Visual C++ Express
I can't get this blasted thing to install on my computer (because .NET 3.x won't install) but if you can get it to work you have a very nice environment that is used by a lot of people for compiling their projects under Windows. Stroustrup himself likes this one.
Windows only.

If you are not on Windows, you are likely going to use the GCC. IDEs that work with it include:

This is an update to the Dev-C++ that uses wxWidgets GUI toolkit natively.

A very complete and useful IDE which includes a lot of useful stuff.

Another very nice development environment, using the Qt framework. I believe that it comes bundled with an appropriate version of Qt, but overall this IDE takes a bit of work to get set up properly. (It is worth it though.) The one thing you really need to be aware of is licensing issues with Qt -- you'll need to purchace a commercial license if you ever intend to sell your software.

A very large, highly configurable OSS development platform. I don't really recommend this one to beginners, due to its complexity, but many knowledgeable folk here use it regularly in both amateur and professional venues. (I've never used it, though.)

As a final note, you will probably want to install more than one IDE/compiler. This helps you test your code against a variety of compilers -- each compiler has weakness in terms of non-standard stuff it lets you get away with.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Duoas, where's CodeLite >.>
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