For homework we were assigned with a task to create a program that is similar to the game "Price is Right". Everything is right I believe but I still cant get one part to work correctly. Here is the part, we have to have a count down from 30 seconds to 0. The timer starts when the person makes there first guess to what the price is. After each guess the graphics window has to update. The exact problem is that i cant get just 30 seconds to show. Like I get current time and start time to show but when i try to use an equation to get just 30 seconds, it still just shows either current or start time.
I've have it confined to prize number two.
Also, if you find any other problems, please let me know. You don't have to tell me the answer to the problem but it would nice.
btw, the graphics library that is being used is called GLUT. Its what the professor is using in the course.
Had to put the code on because the post would have been over the character limit.