which is the text of a button in a game, I've injected my .dll and it works, i just cannot change the text, i can change it in cheat engine, and it changes to DR2MP perfectly. fyi in CheatEngine it's text[15].
So does anyone know how i can possibly set this addresses value to DR2MP?
I have seriously tried so many options it's just not funny anymore, im deadbeat on ideas.
so let me guess what you want to do. hm, you want to find a window (in another process?) and change it's text?
As far as i know button is a window. so why don't you use the FindWindow() function and then using SetWindowText() to change the text?
The first code-snippet you posted should work fine if you've already injected a DLL into the target process.. what do you mean it isn't working? Is it crashing, or is the text at the address simply not changing?
@coder777: Since it looks like he's hacking a game, there's a chance the button in question may not be a valid window handle & thus SetWindowText might not be the best idea. Actually, I'm pretty sure the game he's trying to hack uses manually paints its controls via DirectX.