C++ on locked down windows

I am at work, non admin on windows XP.
Is there any C++ I could install without admin permissions?

Qt no.
cygwin no.

It all depends on what compiler. You won't be able to install Visual Studio, because of all the baggage it comes with.

You ought to be able to install the latest cygwin (1.7) in your home directory if you can't create a directory off the root.
You can install Code::Blocks and MinGW without admin permissions.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
It shouldn't be a matter of executing the compiler without admin rights, its executing the executables they produce. You should be able to run most compilers such as MinGW and/or GCC/Cygwin for that matter and even VC++ (without GUI or with maybe). I may be wrong though.
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