Stack overflow at the beginning of program

I am trying to inmplement dijkstra's algorithm. When I run my program under Visual studio 2010, it gives me an error immediately without executing any lines in my program.

"Unhandled exception at 0x012bc137 in dijsktra.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow."

I have no idea why this happens. Is it because my adjacency list used up too much memory??

Does the program link to anything that may cause this error? Because if there is nothing in the program then it may just giving you some weird error that really means that you need a start point (like main or WinMain). This has happened to me before and I STILL have not gotten any official word from Microsoft yet about the issue.

However, a stack overflow usually means there is too much information on the 'call stack.' I know Dijkstra's algorithm uses a variety of nodes implemented in loops (depending on how large your map is). So, make sure you check that all your loops have an exit condition or 'break' if the above doesn't fix your issue.
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