question about qt


I'm using mingw version 5.1.6 located at C:\MinGW. I downloaded qt version 4.6.3 and located it at C:\Qt. When i wanted to install qt, it gave a warning that there was something wronge with my mingw. I just ignored this and continued the installation. I saw there exists something like a qt eclipse integration. I don't want to install it yet, unless i know exactly what to do.
Has anyone experience with this, or can someone give me a link where it is explained?

thanks in advance, hannes
Search, google for tutorials, is impossible not to find at least 1.

What's with you and slashes?
*slashes slasher* :P

@hannes: Might we see this warning?

I know there are a lot of tutorials, i found some myself:

But, in my qt installation, it said there was an mingw problem. And this tutorial sais that i can download mingw with qt, but i just don't find the right thing to download at

Can someone help me with that, i would be very grateful!!

I'd download MinGW from the original source. Those downloads are usually more reliable than from other "copycat" sources.

I have mingw located at C:\MinGW
version 5.1.6
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