unable to start program error in VS 2008


i am new in using visual studio c++ 2008 express.
i have made project. but during compiling it give the following error:

unable to start program c:\Document and setting\...\project\sample\debug\firstpro.exe

the system cannot find the specified path.
try to use VS C++ 2010 beta or use Dev-C++, Borland C++, Code Blocks...

or you can simple try to create new project and rewrite the program,

or you can post it here in [code] and i might can help you.
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Oh, yeah, i almost forgot, your lucky cause i give a look after Windows topics. For problems like yours please use the General C++ Programming section of the forum.

Those who post here are almost experts in C++ programming and they are working with creating softwares for windows !?! thats why is called WINDOWS PROGRAMMING.

so use the Beginners or General C++ Programming section next time.
You are more likely to get an answer if you post in the right place.
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@jumper: Dude, you need to calm down a bit. We all have emotions and that's fine and I recognize that more than several others here might, but some of what you said is charged emotionally way too much and just plain wrong. Sorry.

Never recommend Dev C++. wxDev-C++ maybe is fine, but Dev C++ hasn't been updated for centuries (in computer years, in human years it would be something like 5 years).

The same goes with Borland. C++Builder is the current stage of evolution of that particular piece of software.

The OPs problem seems to imply that his/her code is fine or it was never compiled. Else the error might have been different.

This section of the forum is for (and I quote the admin himself)
In this forum, users can to talk about any topic related to programming in C++ for the Windows platform.

...although the Beginners section is also a good place to post.

Anyways. Jittar, stupid question, but did you already compile your program? (What you're doing is trying to run it, fyi.) If you did, then did you follow the directory MS VC++ stated did not have your executable and check that out for yourself?

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