I am doing an GUI for Tortoise SVN with C++ Builder and and i can't find any document to save my file .ini file to my temp->(C:\\User\\Username\\Appdata\\Local\\Temp) folder.
Here is my code;
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void __fastcall TMainForm::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
TIniFile* ini = new TIniFile(ChangeFileExt(Application->ExeName,".ini"));
MSaveLogs->Checked = ini->ReadBool("MainFormCheckedBoxLogs","MSaveLogs",false);
MShutdown->Checked = ini->ReadBool("MainFormCheckedBoxLogs","MShutdown",false);
delete ini;
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void __fastcall TMainForm::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action)
TIniFile* ini = new TIniFile(ChangeFileExt(Application->ExeName,".ini"));
delete ini;
AFAIK, the class TIniFile deals with opening/reading/writing/closing the file. You don't need to explicitly save the ini file as that will be done automatically (here on delete).