how to resolve this function header

sorry, i know this is a naive question,what i want to know is a certain answer.

static DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc(LPVOID pvParam);

is this form of function declaration only supported in a visual c++ compiler since it is a compiler dedicated to windows ?

thank you very much to whoever helps !
Other compilers support it aswel,
DWORD means unsigned long.
LPVOID means void*.
WINAPI means __cdecl__stdcall, wich is a calling convention
All these things are defined in windows.h and whatever windows.h includes.

static unsigned long __stdcall ThreadFunc(void* pvParam);
Makes it look like a pretty normal function =)
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It has nothing to do with compilers, they're just defines in various Windows headers.
Since you're using VC++, you can just hover the mouse over the identifiers and the IDE will show you whatever they resolve to. You can also right click them and "go to definition", which is very helpful.
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