Best GUI Library?

Hi,am have vc++(which use:win32 and MFC) and wxDev(which use:wxWidgets and Win32) to build GUI, but am fail to decide which should be my GUI creating GUI program.any idea?
I mean win32,MFC or wxWidgets?
It depends on your needs.
If it shoul be portable you can't use win32 API and MFC.
thanks,Denis what you think is simple to learn
I think wxWidgets. But there are others cross-platform GUI library.
Given the three choices you listed, I say wxWidgets :)
I'd recommend Qt, idk its for vc++, though
Why QT?
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Win32: You will need a good resource editor and be really patient, there is a lot of code to write, but this is at least fun. WIN32 is not solely an API for GUIs btw.
MFC: You will need a paid version of VS. If you have it, use it.
WxWidgets: If you are using a free editor and do not have a paid version of VS go for it.

Anyway, if you are on windows, have lots of spare time, and are doing this for learning, just go for the WIN32.
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