tab flow control


i'm creating an application with tab control in wxwidgets.i've a dialog with 4 buttons like start,stop,pause and close.if i close the dialog and reopen the dialog tab control will start from where it is closed.

i.e. If it is on pause and closed meand then the flow will be from that button only.

but i should have the tab flow control form the start button eveytime...

could anyone help me..

if you've example code na..pls send that too
In the show event method (whatever it is called in wxWidgets -- I've never used that library) set the input focus to the start button. Then whenever the dialogue is displayed the start button will be automatically selected first.

Isn't there a property of some sort that does this for you?
thanks for ur reply
could you give me a sample code with c++
Like I said, I've never used wxWidgets...
Duoas is right. (I have used wxWidgets)
hi zaita..

u've used wxwidhets.could you help me with a sample code
Thanks to all
i've resolved that problem.but now i've new one.

i've a table with two columns and 2 buttons.if the table has content tab control must be added to the record and repeatedly flow thro the buttons.what to do..

any idea..
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