x Y(x) S(x) #iter -1.0000 0.0558 -0.0559 54 -0.9000 0.0079 -0.0079 74 -0.8000 -0.0389 0.0388 52 -0.7000 -0.0833 0.0833 73 -0.6000 -0.1243 0.1243 54 -0.5000 -0.1607 0.1610 21 -0.4000 -0.1919 0.1919 50 -0.3000 -0.2168 0.2168 67 -0.2000 -0.2351 0.2351 54 -0.1000 -0.2463 0.2462 46 0.0000 -0.2500 0.2500 316 0.1000 -0.2463 0.2462 46 0.2000 -0.2351 0.2351 54 0.3000 -0.2168 0.2168 67 0.4000 -0.1919 0.1919 50 0.5000 -0.1607 0.1610 21 0.6000 -0.1243 0.1243 54 0.7000 -0.0833 0.0833 73 0.8000 -0.0389 0.0388 52 0.9000 0.0079 -0.0079 74 1.0000 0.0558 -0.0559 54 1.1000 0.1036 -0.1034 49 1.2000 0.1498 -0.1497 71 1.3000 0.1932 -0.1932 80 |
You mean you want output like this? |
BTW, are you sure that your functions Y(x) and S(x) have the correct sign? |
You also need to explain what is meant by "accuracy Sigma" - here it is taken as the absolute value of a term at which the series is truncated, but it is still mildly inaccurate as you can see from the table below. Smaller Sigma would remove the truncation error. |
BTW, are you sure that your functions Y(x) and S(x) have the correct sign? It should be, it is a task from a textbook |
Display a table of values of the function Y (x) and its expansion in a series S (x) with Sigma precision. |
Probably it is how it should be more correct, I think. It means that I just translated it wrong before. |
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; double S( double x, double Sigma, int &iter ) // Code for the series S(x) { double sum = 0.0, term = 1.0; // YOUR code goes here // Loop round, setting each new term and adding to sum until abs( term ) < Sigma for ( .... ) { ... } // Don't forget to set the number of iterations return sum; } double Y( double x ) { return .... // YOUR code for the function Y(x) - just a one-liner } int main() { int iter; const double sigma = 1.0e-5; // YOUR code to write headers // YOUR code to loop through values of x and output x, Y(x), S(x) and number of iterations for ( ... ) { ... } } |
#include <iostream.h> #include <math.h> #include <iomanip.h> typedef double (*uf)(double, double, int &); void tabl(double, double, double, double, uf); double y(double, double, int &); double s(double, double, int &); int main() { cout << setw(8) <<"x"<< setw(15) <<"y(x)"<< setw(10) << "k" << endl; tabl(-0.9,0.9,0.1,0.0001,y); cout << endl; cout << setw(8) <<"x"<< setw(15) <<"s(x)"<< setw(10) << "k" <<endl ; tabl(-0.9,0.9,0.1,0.0001,s); return 0; } void tabl(double a, double b, double h, double eps, uf fun) { int k=0; double sum; for (double x=a; x<b+h/2; x+=h) { sum=fun(x,eps,k); cout << setw(8) << x << setw(15) << sum << setw(10) << k << endl; } } double y(double x, double eps, int &k) { return (1./2.)*log((1+x)/(1-x)); } double s(double x, double eps, int &k) { double a,c,sum; sum=a=c=x; k=1; while (fabs(c)>eps) { c = pow(x,2)/(2*k+1); a *= c; sum += a; k++; } return sum; } |