How to handle “.. failed to start. Veryfy that you have sufficent privileges..

Hello all,

When I try to install my software it gives the error "Error 1920. Service ... (...) failed to start. Veryfy that you have sufficent privileges to start system services" on windows vista or 7.
Install shield installer gives that error when using "VC++ 9.0 CRT (x86) Winsxs MSM" merge module but it didn'g give if older versions used. Because that I can't built a relase using Visual studio 2008 :( I guess it is because when try to write winsxs folder it see these files as not trusted installer. Does anyone has any idea to cope with it?

Regards, T H K
Sounds like you're missing a version of the C runtime. But you haven't provided enough info to deduce what versions of what you've installed, failed to install or are missing.
Why have you blurred out the name of the program? We need that to help.
Hi kbw & Vexer,


Because that is the software I wrote name isn't important here too much I guess :)


I'm now trying to give all information I can give, when I use these libraries I can install my program to win 7 or vista.

But if I use that library, my program gives that error I mentioned before

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