Know a Decent IDE for GUI's?

Basically, I'm used to having all my C++ programs not need GUI's and a console is the most I've normally needed.

But now I want to make a GUI for a program I'm making in c++ and I have no idea how to go about it.

To give you an idea of what I'm used to, Delphi had a system where you could easily make GUI's in a form/design based system.

Is there one for C++?
MS Visual C++ can do some GUI
Well I'm familiar with using MSV C++, I have 2010 express installed on my computer, but unfortunately i know very little about GUI in C++. Is there a similarly easy way to Delphi, or is it all a truckload of code?
I do Win32 Sdk development. Do a search for Forger's Win32 Tutorial and you'll find it easy.

If you absolutely must have drag and drop visual development, then you are probably better off with some language other than C++. However, if its gotta be C++ then look into MFC or .NET CLR or something like that. Like I said though, straight Win32 SDK development like in the Forger's tutorial is what suits me.

In terms of an IDE, for Win32 development it doesn't really matter. I prefer CodeBlocks. However, if you go the class library route, then you go with the designer that goes with the class library, i.e., MFC - Visual Studio, etc.

Its best to realize right off the bat that its a lot of work to learn writing C++ GUI programs.
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Thanks freddie1, I'm a little familiar with codeblocks and got a nice GUI system with it called wxWidgets.

But I'm having a little problem with getting it to compile.
download wxdev which come with wxWidgets
Last I checked Glade had a pretty UI for GTK interfaces.
Qt also has QtCreator which I've heard is excellent.
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