DirectX Basic Blank screen jams... why?

Hi all,

Just gotten a basic blank DirectX screen up... but some reason isn't processing the WM_QUIT message properly and just jams. Checking out the console output I've added it recognises the escape key being hit (even processes the WM_CLOSE which gives the output), but doesn't do anything else until you hit Alt+Tab. THEN you get all the messages of the lock and unlock not working for a couple of attempts before it decides to continue with the closing.

The funny thing is that when I've compared my code to Andre LaMothes code which does basically the same (plus his randomly plots pixels) I can't see the difference - but his works...

I'm absolutely stumped but refuse to go any further until I have this licked.

The pastebin link is : - can post here if necessary...

P.S. MyMacros.h only contains the SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT and BPP which are 640, 480 and 8 respectively - have tried with other resolutions.


Turns out it's not a good idea having the DefWindowProc command in the default case for the windows messages.

Better to have it outside the switch altogether.
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