Printing Text

I have started learning Win32 Programming in C/C++. I have tried a few google searches and don't really know what to search. A friend of mine showed me how to use labels like a month ago but I have forgot. If anyone can please link/explain as many text "printing" methods they know it would be greatly appreciated!
If youre looking to actually print a document;
At the top of the example file there should be a comment telling you what libraries to include
Ive never used code::blocks so i dont know how to link libs myself but i found this;

There should be a lib directory in codeblocks i guess, with the ones you need
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You'll need to link gdi32 and possibly comdlg32.
Sorry for being such a noob but can you guys explain further :P Like:

"You'll need to link gdi32 and possibly comdlg32."

I don't know what that is, or even where to start looking for it"
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