Process attaching

Hi all,
im a newbie in c and windows programming but i started some times ago and since then i use your good reference for c standard libraries, they are very smart and useful ;)

however, i was interested in using pointers to modify certain bytes in buffers or variables

for example, in the same program i wrote:
char string[]="Hello World";
*((char *)0x0022FF60)='M';

so the "H" gets transformed in a "M": very simple.

now i would like to do the same, but making it in different programs: the first exe contains the string that i want to modify, and the second exe contains the code to change the character

in the std library there is nothing about this, so i think that the windows api list will do the job, but i don't know what function to use and i didn't found a good tutorial on the net (if you know, please post me)
i don't expect will be easy and quick, but i am interested

do you know if the solution is among these functions or other?
these should help;

be sure you know what youre doing though, and that your program has access to the other program's memory
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Thank you!
It worked :)
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