C++ or C#, what to use for Windows Programming

HI, I was wondering which language is best for Windows Development.
Ive so far only used C++ but when searching across the internet, C# seens to be used more and more often when it comes to Windows development. I know C++ is the best to use for Games.

So, could anyone let me know what they think is the best language for Windows Development?

Oh, and where is the difference between these two? They appear pretty similiar.

Thanks in advance.
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C(++) is used to create Windows programs*, C# to create .Net programs.
C# has a similar syntax to C++ but it's design to work with .Net

* I mean programs which directly call the Windows API
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Ok, thanks.
Notice that C# provides faster development for Windows programs than C++. If you're programming typical desktop applications for Windows only and you don't need to manage memory allocation directly (C# is garbage collected) or direct access to the Windows API, it's probably a good idea to use C#.
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