Writing Registry Keys using a C++ Program


I want to autostart a C++ program Ive created when Windows starts.

To do that I want to write a value to the autostart part of the registry

Ive googled before posting but I havent found anything good about writing those string values used in this section of the registry.

In short: How do I create a c++ program that writes and edits keys in the registry?

Thanks in advance!

Note: I dont want to create a huge program, just a few lines of code that can create a REG_SZ key, and then read and modify its values.
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any reason why you dont want to just put a shortcut to your exe in the run folder under the start menu. it should do the same thing but be less dangerous then writing to the registry. its a little more user friendly too so the general user can take it out if they want
With the program I was planning to make the user could also remove it, via a config part which would change the keys value form 1 = autostart to 0 = don't autostart or vice versa.
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That would correspond to creating and deleting the link in the autostart folder.
For registry editing, see "msdn registry" on Google, first hit.
if you use VC++ and MFC, you can use CRegKey class to do this
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