GPS Intermediate Driver


I am working on a mobile app and need to get GPS information (longitude and latitude) and log it in the system. The device has a built-in GPS device.

I have read up on MSDN and it suggested that I use the GPS Intermediate driver. I have written a small test app that has a one second timer that updates the graphic interface with the latest GPS data, time, coordinates, no. of satellites, speed etc.

The Time value is spot on, and the no. of satellites varies between 6 and 7 which looks okay, (I think??). The problem is the Longitude and latitude. They change on every update of the data, and vary drastically - they go from huge positive numbers to huge negative numbers.

I am using the flag that indicates when the data is valid and only show data if it is valid.

Since I am getting the correct Time value, does this mean that there is a connection to the satellite?

Anyone worked with this before?

Can post code if you like...

Thanks very much,

- MS eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0
- Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional
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"they go from huge positive numbers to huge negative numbers."

I think you can add some judgement to decide whether a record is valid or invalid, and only show the valid result.

you can use some info you received, such as time, speed, gps state and so on.
Sounds like your integers aren't big enough to contain the data you are storing. Try a long or a long long.
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