Socket Programming Windows XP

Hi all, I'm using wxDev-C++ and I'm trying to follow the MSDN socket programming tutorial (Found Here: ). One of the functions that they have me call early in the tutorial is getaddrinfo(...), this function is coming back as undefined. I am linking to what is supposed to be the equivalent of Ws2_32.lib which is libws2_32.a and I'm sure I'm including the right headers, windows.h and Ws2tcpip.h, but I'm getting nowhere.

My thought is that the library I'm using doesn't have this function for one reason or another but I cannot find a copy of Ws2_32.lib that I trust so that I could verify that theory. I'm kind of stuck right now and a push in the right direction on this would be appreciated. Thanks.
Why donĀ“t You download the Windows SDK and use the Ws2_32.lib instead of libws2_32.a (whatever that may be^^)...

What is the error code that the call to getaddrinfo() produces?...
The Error code is "Object undefined...". I tried copy pasting and linking to the lib from the Windows 7 SDK which I assume since it is the latest one it has this function but still no luck.
From what I've found online this seems to be a common issue with anything derived from Dev-C++. I am seriously considering abandoning it as my compiler...
I figured this out. Even though I installed wxWidgets and am executing from one directory my MakeFile was still pointing to another folder that I had not updated the libs or include files in. What a kick in the head.
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