New to MFC and windowed applications.

hi, i'm attempting to write a program for my local counseling company and i'm new to writing windowed applications. i'm not new to C++ however.

I can write all of the logic from empty .cpp files, but i have no clue where to even start when it comes to using my classes in a GUI. I'm using visual studios 2008 and would appreciate any help.

if it helps, i've had experience with visual basic, but id rather keep the programming in C++.
Well, I don't know if this will help with exactly what you're doing, but theForger's win32 API tutorial found here,, helped me with at least getting a window to show up and add in basic controls. It's all in C++ and he even goes a little into MFC. Check it out.

I think you can start from a MFC dialog project, it is like VB in some aspect.
you add a button, and write your logic codes in the function.
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