Copy folder with more words

I want to make that command wich copy my folder to another place but i i try a folder with more words such us

system("c:\users\my name\ThisFolderIWantToCopy\ c:\here\");

i include these :
#include <windows.h>
#include <dirent.h>

it doesnt work caouse he cant find my name if i write myname in one word works
could you help me plz?
You'll need to use escape characters. It should look something like this...

system("c:\\users\\my\ name\\ThisFolderIWantToCopy\\ c:\\here\\");
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It doesnt work :(
system("\"c:\users\my name\ThisFolderIWantToCopy\ \" c:\here\");
system("\"c:\\users\\my name\\ThisFolderIWantToCopy\\\" \"c:\\here\\");
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