ResEd - quick(ish) question

I'm currently working through the Windows API tutorial written by theForger and downloaded ResEd to help speed things up. I opened a resource file from a previous exercise and found ResEd changed:

DEFPUSHBUTTON "&OK", IDOK, 174, 18, 50, 14



Is theForger using a old format? (everything in the tutorial has compiled fine so far) ie the first example is 'c' and the second is 'c++'?

Will it actually make a difference? (assuming all my ID's are correct etc)

My other thoughts are: "there's an option in ResEd that I haven't found / don't understand" and "the two statements generate (almost) identical results and are both acceptable".

If you know the tutorial I'm referring to, the example I'm on is ctl_one.
If you know of other, more recent WinAPI tutorials could you please let me know.

Thankyou for any help.
ResEdit is a great tool and you can both speed things up and learn from it, but it is not always the best method because ResEdit specifies everything, even when that degree of specificity is not needed.

In your above example both statements are virtually identical, but the first one is better, IMO, because you don't need the specificity in the second one for THIS control.

There will eventually be other controls, however, that you will need specificity and ResEdit will teach you how those are coded.

If you plan to program Win32 API then you absolutely need to buy this book --

It's eleven years old, but still is THE bible for Win32 programming, and it will teach you a great deal.
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Fantastic, thank-you for clearing that up for me. It's a pity that an output format can't be specified especially as it can 'read' the less verbose format. I can still use ResEd as a form design tool and edit the resulting text to suit my needs, so that's something.

Thanks also for the book suggestion, just the kind of thing I was looking for. Is "graphics" covered at all? Probably a silly question but one of my short-term goals is to be able to create a draw-surface and plot points, draw lines etc. I think there are line-drawing functions (or should that be methods) but I'd like to be able to do these things myself.

Anyway, thanks again. Back to the exercises.
Petzold's book is right down your alley for what you want to do.
Brilliant, I have that on order now. Thanks once again.
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