About Win32 api: QueryPerformanceFrequency !


I want to get the frequecy of my computer's motherboard with the Win32API QueryPerformanceFrequency().

The value is 3579545, but it's same as another computer's frequecy when i run my program on this compuer, but one computer is P4 2.3Hz, another is Celero 1.7Hz.Both them are Win XP SP2!

So I want to know the QueryPerformanceFrequency() is base on the OS or the hardware?

And How I get the hardware's frequency of my motherboard?

QueryPerformanceFrequency() is irrelevant.
There are plenty of methods for p. freq.
You can ask on specialized win32 api newsgroup :
where it has often been discussed

Thanks george135!

I will read these news!
wait a minute toptony let me ask you a question...I am charlie!I'm doing programming in windows but quit a newbie but Can you give me little introduction about win32 API and also the function you have mention above I know there are alot about it...
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For Windows API, you could start here:
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