Frustrated w/ MFC and Visual C++

Hi folks. Let me preface this by saying that I am a .NET developer by trade. I've been having a difficult time taking the concepts I've learned (through reading various tutorials and books, I've found Forgers' to be most straightforward) and applying them to C++.

Sure, I understand that the program's entry point is WinMain(). Then you declare a Window Class structure with some paramaters, call CreateWindow() then queues up messages which are processed via WndProc().

The things I'm struggling with are:

When I create a new dialog based project in VC++, several header, resource, and source files are created. However, where is my WinMain defined? Where is the WndProc call back defined? How do I change its switch construct to handle new Window Messages? Should I even care if I'm using VC++ for my IDE?

For every control I add to the dialog Window, is there a new Window Class associated with it?

Why is it when I select the dialog Window in the designer, the option to add an event handler is disabled? Is it because all messages that are possibly sent to a dialog resource are already defined in the WndProc?

Could someone refer me, if one exists, some kind of matrix that describes MFC components and their Visual Studio representation? E.g. a control resource's ID is like the .name property of a control (is that even true?)

Thanks a lot guys.
MFC handles most of those things internally. That is why you don't see WndProc defined.
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