Closed sockets remains in CLOSE WAIT for long time


In my application, some sockets remain in close wait state for long time in server side. I checked applying debug prints and found that we are closing the sokects using closesocket() method. The closesocket method returns 0 after closing the socket.

But when we nestat - we still see the closed socket in the close wait state.

We added shutdown socket method (before closesocket) still no success. Any help regarding this is appreciated ..

Speaking from a UNIX standpoint (yes I know this is the Windows forum), this is deliberate.
I believe you can avoid that by using the REUSEADDR socket option.

(The kernel keeps the address "in use" for a while after you've closed the socket in the event
that the peer continues to send data to that address for a time after you've closed the socket.
If another app were to reuse the address immediately, it might erroneously receive that stale
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