Levels of a Game

Hello, I have the source code of Candy Volcano
which is a game made by Mike Hardy and John Stiles

I would like to add new levels according to John Stiles
it is easy to do but can't help with it because he is real
busy he said. Can't get a hold of Mike Hardy

Can someone please help me do this?

I am a beginner in C++

The Game is created in Creative-C++ but will compile using wxdev-c++ or dev-C++
can someone please help?

my email is microworksgamestudios@gmail.com

thank you,

Best Wishes,
Well... that depends on how levels are added to the game. If they're defined in the source code, you should be able to see how to create more by looking at the existing levels. If new levels are included by using files, then there is a certain format these files have.
I looked for the source code on the website to check, but found none. Not surprising considering it's a shareware game.
By the way, does the game really have 900,000 lines of code? It doesn't seem that complex. 9,000 I could believe, but 900,000...
Hi Athar,

I'm not sure the source code lines it's probably 9,000 and was a simple mistake.

I have the source code if you can help me. The levels are within the source code

it has a levels.h and a levels.cpp file. Could you please help me???

this would be greatly appreciated... I would even be willing to pay you.
Would you be willing to post the source code?
Hi Vexer,

I sent you a private pm
I have replied.
How can I post source code in public forum?
Hi Vexer I sent you a new pm

It gives details on obtaining the level.cpp file.

Thank you for your help
Here is the link containing the level files:
Hi Vexer,

have you took a look at the level files yet?

John Stiles said it's easy to add levels but I'm a new C++ programmer and have no idea where the number of levels are implemented. In the level.h file I see klevels= 12 and ksharewarelevels=7 and when I change the ksharewarelevel = 7 to 1 it plays one level and does what it's suppose to but when I change the klevel=12 to 1 it keeps playing levels. I think the game contains only 12 levels for the registered version and believe they are implemented in the level.cpp file but I can't figure it out. Maybe you can and then explain it to me.

I see no place in the cpp file that defines levels.

Have you tried increasing that number? The levels might actually be auto generated.
Hi Vexer,

Yes I've tried it and when I do I view the highscores and the game quits.
do you think that it's possible that they are implemented somewhere else
within the code?

If you are willing to help me I'll share the source code with you and we can do everything via email. my email is microworksgamestudios@gmail.com

Will you send me a personal email and let me know if you are willing to help?

if you don't want me to know your real email address set up one like a gmail account thats free and we can conduct business through email. I really need help on this. I know you said you don't want money but I'll donate money to one of your projects if you like.

Let me know,


Which one are you talking about increasing by the way?

I believe there are only 12 levels could the levels be implemented in
main.cpp or another source file?

I'll upload the source files for you to view if you will help me.

I have sent a PM with the solution.
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