How do I open a window?

I was trying to learn OpenGL, and do the first example, and I am able to do all of it except the "OpenAWindowPlease()" function.

I have no idea how to do that in MSWindows, since I come from a linux environment.

Can someone please show me the code?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
MSDN has got a a sample[1] that compares a X windows system OpenGL program to a Win32 port of the same.


If you are playing with OpenGL, you should also make yourself very familiar with NeHe's site
All the tutorials have source examples in C or C++ for at least Windows and *nix, plus other languages and platforms.
I was actually able to use the premade one that came with Code::Blocks.

Works pretty well, I made a gravity engine for a block that bounces up and down.

Thanks for your guys' help.
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