Responding to Windows Forms

Hello all,

I'm writing an installer of sorts for some custom software.
There are a couple things I don't know how to do in C++ though:

1. Execute a program (i.e. "C:\Bin\MyProgram.exe")
2. Wait for the windows form in MyProgram.exe to pop up a prompt
3. Automatically respond to a button in the windows form

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've been googling for about an hour now and haven't been able to find much on it...


Please reword Bullet 1, it looks like you just said you don't know how to execute a program.

EDIT: Also when people write "installer of sorts..." I think you are trying to write an .msi, is this the case? Because this isn't the correcto form for that but it is something I can help you with.
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