error LNK2019

Here are the errors, Note I had to remove several referenced errors due to length of the post:
Error	188	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall CZoneHandler::unlockZoneList(void)" (?unlockZoneList@CZoneHandler@@QAEXXZ) referenced in function "int __cdecl l_registerRegion(struct lua_State *)" (?l_registerRegion@@YAHPAUlua_State@@@Z)	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CLuaManager.obj	PXI
Error	189	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall CZoneHandler::lockZoneList(void)" (?lockZoneList@CZoneHandler@@QAEXXZ) referenced in function "int __cdecl l_registerRegion(struct lua_State *)" (?l_registerRegion@@YAHPAUlua_State@@@Z)	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CLuaManager.obj	PXI
Error	35	error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall CBaseEntity::weaponskill(unsigned short,unsigned short,class CBaseEntity *)" (?weaponskill@CBaseEntity@@QAEXGGPAV1@@Z) already defined in CBaseEntity.obj	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CZoneHandler.obj	PXI
Error	45	error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall CBaseEntity::updateEnmity(class CBaseEntity *,int,int)" (?updateEnmity@CBaseEntity@@QAEXPAV1@HH@Z) already defined in CBaseEntity.obj	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CZoneHandler.obj	PXI
Error	34	error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall CBaseEntity::takePhysicalDamage(int,class CBaseEntity *)" (?takePhysicalDamage@CBaseEntity@@QAEXHPAV1@@Z) already defined in CBaseEntity.obj	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CZoneHandler.obj	PXI
Error	21	error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall CBaseEntity::setZone(unsigned short)" (?setZone@CBaseEntity@@QAEXG@Z) already defined in CBaseEntity.obj	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CZoneHandler.obj	PXI
Error	50	error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall CBaseEntity::setTraits(void)" (?setTraits@CBaseEntity@@QAEXXZ) already defined in CBaseEntity.obj	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CZoneHandler.obj	PXI
Error	30	error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall CBaseEntity::setTp(short)" (?setTp@CBaseEntity@@QAEXF@Z) already defined in CBaseEntity.obj	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CZoneHandler.obj	PXI
Error	9	error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall CBaseEntity::setTargId(unsigned int)" (?setTargId@CBaseEntity@@QAEXI@Z) already defined in CBaseEntity.obj	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CZoneHandler.obj	PXI
Error	12	error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall CBaseEntity::setObjType(unsigned short)" (?setObjType@CBaseEntity@@QAEXG@Z) already defined in CBaseEntity.obj	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CZoneHandler.obj	PXI
Error	190	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static class std::vector<struct region,class std::allocator<struct region> > * CLuaManager::regionList" (?regionList@CLuaManager@@2PAV?$vector@Uregion@@V?$allocator@Uregion@@@std@@@std@@A)	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\CZoneHandler.obj	PXI
Error	206	error LNK1120: 18 unresolved externals	C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\pXi_r1430\Debug\PXI.exe	PXI

Any help here is really appreciated, I have been racking my brain for hours on how to fix these errors :(
You apparently forgot to link something.
How do I figure out what I forgot to link ? This is not my code, it is actually from ProjectXI I am trying to continue thier work.
We have a few redefinition errors. If we take one of the lines starting with public: and scroll to the right:
error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall blah blah blah already defined in CBaseEntity.obj

The remaining three are possibly linker errors, or possibly someone just didn't write the implementation.

How do I find where the redfs are ? Some of them can not be found in the file it says the redef is in :(
You mean you can't search across all files in your IDE and you don't know what's in whatever library you might be using?

I can search all files, should I post a link to source code ? Andno I have no clue how to check the libs I am using
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