GUI Design Tutorials but not the Forger's ('s)?

I want to learn C++ GUI Design, for Windows that is compatible with MSVC++ Express, but cannot find any tutorials. I tried "the Forger's" but it seems to be now outdated, at least for my IDE. I don't want wxWdigets, but will try any other GUI Libraries. Are there any text (no videos) tutorials/books on it?
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I often go to for free books of all kinds. I just did a search there for "windows GUI design" and found a whole bunch of books, etc. on the topic including some recently published. You will have to join to download but I think you can read all you like without joining. Good luck!
How exactly is the Forger's tutorial outdated? I use it with VS2010 all the time and all of the code compiles fine.
you have the same prob with me dud'... you can try, i actually have the book but i forgot the link (sory bout that). the book's title is: Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example, the author is: Stefan Björnander. might that help
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