I need a way to copy a 2 dim array and get it on a device context...

i want to make a simple drawing library to draw lines or points, but i want it to have nothing to do with anything else than windows.

someone here gave me a piece of code that i can draw a pixel on a bitmap. (and create and show the bitmap and all)

but the problem is that the drawing function was something like this:

Draw(x,y)= a fancy hex/whatever aabbccdd thing here...

but in the table that the actual drawing library uses the colors are in a struct...

can i just pass in the rgba sturct i made or do i have to mess up with the bitmap code thingy?

if i cant just pass it can someone show me a example of how to convert many separate values in a single value... (well its easy, but im not sure if the c++ syntax allows it...)
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