newbie in windows programming

i'm completely newbie in windows programming. i wanna ask a few questions:

1. can anyone give me e - book link of ms vc++ 2008 for windows programming?anything but (sourceforge)
2. i got an error when i wanna make windows application using CLR. the error said about the server does not support automation or something like that. can anyone tell me what's wrong?
Go here for an online tutorial --

If you are going to take Windows programming seriously, then Charles Petzold's book is a MUST --
closed account (z05DSL3A)
i'm completely newbie in windows programming.

Just want to get a feel of where you are coming from.

Do you understand the difference between native and managed code?

Do you know the difference between C++ and C++/CLI? (Yes they are different languages).

Do you want to do Windows API* programming or .net?

*(Also known as Win32)
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Actually, I'd like to hear a concise explanation of the difference between native and managed code.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
Thanks for that link. That sparks a new question. I am fairly comfortable programming C/C++ Win32 API.

However, as I understand it, C# would be the way to go (for me) if I want to program in .NET so as to run on a virtual machine.

So the question is, how much of a learning curve would there be for me to take up C#?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
C# is very straight forward, it shouldn't be a steep learning curve.

C# Tutorials
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Much obliged, Grey Wolf.
@wolf: no, i don't know... i'm so blur about those... (i'm goin' for the link above :D )

@lamb: oh yes, this is the site that i'm talkin' about (sorry). i've tried this one but it's not workin' that's why i wanna try somethin' else. i've tried it with c++ 2008 express edition, but it doesn't works with the given code)
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Yeah, winprog is in C not C++.
hmm... looks like other people have the same problem :) btw, is there's somebody that wanna share codes in here for windows prog in C++ 08, a "hello world" windows perhaps for beginning
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