Make EXE Standalone (VS 2017)


I am trying to make my EXE standalone, so not requiring VC REdist. Also, i want it to work on Win7-8-10.

I tried the steps in this page:

Configuration is set to /MT
MFC libraties are set to STATIC

but my exe still has a ton of dependencies, wich seem to be mostly windows API files? What can i do more to make this program standalone?

For dependency walker screenshot
The /MT switch causes static linkage with the C Runtime, so you're good there. The /MD switch is where you'll need the redistributable.

In terms of Windows API Libraries, every Windows installation has them all, so you don't need to worry about them - they'll be dynamically loaded. So what's the problem????
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Stop using the badly out-dated Dependency Walker, it can't understand the modern method(s) for reporting system DLL dependencies.

Use the newer Dependencies (v 1.7) available on Github.
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