visual basic anyone good at it lol?

so im working on an assignment for visual basic and kinda stuck anyone wanna help me :)
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• The form will need three buttons, “Calculate” to calculate the total order based on the user’s selections and entry, “Clear” to reset the form and “Exit” to end the program.
• In addition, set the form’s border style to fixed single, remove the control box and the min & max buttons. Put your name and the text “Lab 1A” in the title bar of the form.

Process as follows:
1) Vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry are $.55 per scoop. All others are $.65. You must use a Select Case structure to determine price based on the flavour selected from the list.
2) Toppings are $.60 each, use a Select Case again here to determine which Toppings radio button was selected. Nuts are. $.50 and whipped cream $.65 and you should be using If statements to determine whether nuts and/or whipped cream was selected.

so i made a list box with all topings but they are suppose to calc. how would i do tht
closed account (z05DSL3A)
[rhetorical]You are asking a VB question in a C++ forum?[/rhetorical]
lol well c++ is kinna similar to visual basic i guess i thought idd ask
How about creating a form, throwing 3 buttons on it, a list box, some radio buttons for toppings. Edit the properties for the controls such that you can remember their names, edit the form properties to fix the title, etc.. Double click the buttons to go to the code and then use the statements specified to perform the actions.

Alternatively consider reading your book, asking your teacher, or just using Google.
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VB is definitely not similar to C++!
I think after you have created the drop and drag GUI your actually going to have to code.
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