Dump specific emails into txt.

Ugh... new to c++ (Tho this has nothing to do with it) and need some help working on a project.

Have any of you guys ever heard or know of a way that emails from a certain sender can be saved and exported into a txt on my hdd? Im at a loss to find a way to do this.

Edit: Oh and I mean unattended, obviously I could save them myself but that would defeat the purpose of the program im working on.
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Indeed. You just need a program that intercepts SMTP or POP packets bound toward your computer, creates a duplicate, processes that duplicate, and reads the contents to your favorite method of writing files.

But, since that's over-thinking the problem, just look around your favorite mail client and see if there's an option for saving mail in a text file in a custom location via a filter.


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Alright, I was hoping to not use a mail client mostly because i don't currently use one. To much of a hassle imo... But if its a simple option, and it sounds that way, ill give it a shot.
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