cant get file to compile

Pages: 12
no because i dont want to format my c drive. Also, there's no end parentheses(lol).are you asking why i would run something if i dont know want it does?
so i used that software you suggested for dev but still gives me a linker error:

[Linker Error] undefined reference to `WndProc(HWND__*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long)@16'
any thoughs...
He is saying that you simply should not go to some random website, download the code and run it. You should look at the code and then write your own program based on that.
i know and i wouldn't have if i thought that the code was harmful in any way.

i need to run the code simply to get an idea on how everything works together.

makes it easier to read the code after seeing the bigger picture.(for me anyway)
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Pages: 12