.net c++ visual studio

May 7, 2010 at 9:58pm
Hello all!

I am finding it hard to find a good resource for c++ with .net. Most examples tend to be in c# and the examples in c++ have a bizarre syntax. I just need a good beginnings tutorial guide on c++'s .net. I would prefer to stick with c++ instead of moving to c#.

Any ideas?


May 7, 2010 at 10:16pm
C++ with .Net is not standard C++ but is C++/CLI which is a different language
I think that it has quite a cumbersome syntax.
If you use C# .Net you'll have a syntax much more intuitive and similar to standard C++
May 7, 2010 at 11:07pm

I have been reading some of the msdn and I am getting that. I don't know why they call it c++ anymore, it definitely is a superset or new language. I mean they put a "for each" in the language!

I agree that it is cumbersome. I am coming from VCL from Borland. I feel that .net is the way to go if I want to stay active in RAD development for windows. Visual Studio offers more than Borland's IDE, but I feel c++\cli's abstraction makes it almost not worth the effort. Since I will have to learn a new language just to get to .net, surprisingly c# is a shorter effort to learn - how funny.


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