I have no problem to select any number from 1 to 8 in the ComboBox but I need to get the number which I select to be applied in the function: CSerialSource::Open(PortNumber); "
This is very important to my serial communication to select the Port Number and let my program know what I have selected.
How can I obtain the "PortNumber" value? Any suggestion and help is well appreciated. Thanks!
You can associate data with a string item in a Combobox.
The AddString function returns the index of the newly added string within the Combobox.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
for ( int nDevice = 1; nDevice <= 8; nDevice++ )
int index;
sprintf ( DeviceTermSize, "%ld", nDevice );
index = m_DeviceNumber.AddString ( DeviceTermSize );
m_DeviceNumber.SetItemData(index, (DWORD) nDevice); //****
You now have a matched pair of values in the CComboxbox. Only the string is displayed.
But when a user selects a combobox item, you can get the associated data value with m_DeviceNumber.GetItemData(index) where index is
the index of the selected item.
You get this index using GetCurSel( ) function;
int data =(int) m_DeviceNumber.GetItemData( m_DeviceNumber.GetCurSel());
Thanks for your suggestion. Anyway I've found out another easier way instead of using "GetItemData". I use "GetLBText" which harvest the CString that I select and later convert it to integer number. I've already tried using "GetItemData" but it only retrieves the index, not the actual integer number, for example when I choose 7 it means index 0 while 8 means index 1.