I have apparently managed to write to the serial port.
When i write, i set the event_mask EV_TXCHAR, in order to be notified
when a new character arrives at the terminal.
So i send a message to terminal, and then wait for the event to occur.
Before reading, i ensure that i flush the output buffer.
When the event for a new character occurs, i read in the same characters i sent, which i should not happen.
It seems as though even if it is connected, the data is not being sent but stored in the input buffer, which i then read back.
What could be the problem with the settings, configurations, stopbits, flowcontrol, dcb etc if any?
Imagine this is the engine of the application am trying to create and i have a deadline.
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have you got your code?
You haven't go a loopback on have you?
And I think you mean EV_RXCHAR
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