Drawing Text In Window VC++ 2008

I found the solution, NVM the old topic. Although now I need more help. I am trying to make a custom icon for my application but I need a resource file? How do I get/make that? I need a resource file to put in the destination of my .bmp and I can't add a .rc file in the resource files filter, please help me!
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Are you using the Express Edition of VC++ 2008 ??
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You can't create RC files from the Express Edition. You can go here to get a free Resource Editor --


Once you have created the RC file, you add that to your project within VC++ Express and it will compile properly.
You're able to do that. I thought I'd still sook and tell you you're missing something. I've tried basically what you're saying before and had no luck. Oh well no issue anymore - I'm using the professional one now.
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