Very easy IDE question

This is a very easy question: is the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express IDE only for C++ in .NET or all C++ development?
I think the website that delivers the express edition will have that info. I don't use the express editions, but I do know that the Standard/Professional editions have a good deal more capability than the express editions.
You can write regular C++ apps with it. However, MFC is not included with the express edition, in case you need that by any chance.
I am using the Express version to (try to) learn the basics of C++ and if I like it will upgrade to professional.
Also, MS has an Academic Alliance thing where they will give you, among other things, VS Professional for free as long as you are using it for educational purposes.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Have you tried any of the free IDEs?

Many others...
VS is easy to use an contains nearly anything an beginner needs (i would say everything)... go to and give it a try (you can find the free professionel there)...
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
So do most of the others.
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