Question about the length match?

Hi all,

I need create a length match tool for two set of point links.
such as:

A set include A1(xa1,ya1),A2(xa2,ya2)...An(xan,yan)
B set include B1(xb1,yb1),B2(xb2,yb2)...Bn(xbn,ybn)

Now I need link A set and B set together,
and also If I got the longest one Lt,

Lt is like this path: The point At(xat,yat) to Bt(xbt,ybt),
it's path is given and fixed it's a longgest one.
and I need to check the other path's routing and the path's arithmetic.

some one can give me some suggestion about this tool?
Or is there some tools like this?
thanks for your great help!
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